When we started our Pick Four Goal Challenge, we said writing down our efforts every day and reviewing them once a week would be how we ensure progress. So, here is my weekly review.
This past week:
Lose 12 lbs goal – Yippee! Progress. After my friend called me on not scheduling my workout for first thing in the morning, I have successfully completed every one of my scheduled runs. That doesn’t by itself lead to losing 12 lbs. but it’s a definite start down the right path.
Get my life uncomplicated goal – Lots of churning here but no forward progress. The good thing about recording my efforts each day is that it is very clear that what I’m doing here isn’t working. Time to back up and try a new approach.
I am making progress on my grow my faith goal even though I haven’t devoted a lot of time to it. Just having this in front of me everyday has been enough to cause me to question my actions and motivation.
Finally, I have located and started a course to help me learn to attract and serve the clients I need to have a sustainable coaching business. So far, so good.
How was your week?